
Fall Landscaping Checklist: How to Prepare Your Yard for Winter

As the cooler weather sets in, fall is the perfect time to prepare your lawn and garden for the winter months ahead. By following a well-organized landscaping checklist, you can ensure that your outdoor spaces remain healthy and beautiful through the colder seasons, setting up for a vibrant spring bloom. Here’s everything you need to do:

1. Lawn Care and Maintenance

Your lawn needs special attention before the frost hits. Taking a few key steps can help it survive the winter and come back even stronger next spring.

Aerate the Lawn

Over the growing season, the soil can become compacted, making it difficult for water and nutrients to penetrate. Aerating helps relieve this compaction, promoting better water absorption and root growth.

Fertilize with High-Phosphorus Mix

Fertilizing the lawn in the fall helps build strong roots. Use a fertilizer high in phosphorus to encourage deep rooting and better resilience during the winter.

Final Mowing of the Season

Give your grass one last mow, trimming it down to about 1¼ inches. This height prevents disease and keeps the lawn neat over winter without stressing the grass.

Rake Fallen Leaves

Clear fallen leaves regularly to prevent them from smothering the grass. Consider composting them to create nutrient-rich material for next spring.

2. Caring for Plants and Shrubs

Your trees, shrubs, and perennials also need some attention before the cold weather sets in. By prepping them now, you’ll avoid winter damage and encourage healthier growth next year.

Plant New Shrubs Early

If you’re planning to add new shrubs, do so early in the fall. This allows the roots to establish before the ground freezes, giving the plants a head start next spring.

Prune Dead Branches

Trimming dead or damaged limbs from trees and shrubs ensures that they won’t snap under the weight of winter snow, which can harm the plant.

Cut Back Perennials

Trim down perennials that have finished blooming to keep your garden tidy and avoid disease buildup. If your perennials are overcrowded, divide them now to promote better growth.

3. Mulching and Winterizing Your Garden

Mulching plays a crucial role in protecting your garden through the winter. It insulates the soil, keeping the temperature more consistent and protecting roots from freezing temperatures.

Add Mulch Around Young Plants

Spread a layer of mulch around the base of young or newly planted trees and shrubs. This will help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature during the cold months.

Winterize Irrigation Systems

If you have drip irrigation or any other watering system, make sure to drain and shut it down before the first frost. Water left in the system can freeze and cause damage.

4. Organize Your Yard Tools and Plan for Spring

Before storing your garden tools for the winter, it’s important to give them a little TLC.

Clean and Sharpen Tools

Clean off dirt and rust from your gardening tools. Sharpen blades and apply a light coat of oil to prevent rust over winter, ensuring they’re ready to go for next spring’s gardening projects.

Plan Ahead for Spring Projects

Use the fall downtime to assess your yard. What worked this year? What would you like to change? Make notes now so you can start planning any landscaping or gardening changes for next spring.

Start Fall Prep for a Healthy Spring Yard

A little preparation now will go a long way in keeping your lawn and garden in top shape throughout the winter. By following this simple fall landscaping checklist, you can protect your plants, lawn, and garden tools, ensuring that your outdoor spaces look their best when the warm weather returns.

Contact Our Team of Expert Landscapers in NY and NJ

Contact Solicito & Son Contracting for all your fall landscaping needs! With over 40 years of experience, Solicito & Son is your trusted landscaping partner, dedicated to enhancing your landscaping and outdoor space. Contact us today for expert landscaping care in New York and New Jersey.